Page 2Contributing to the Developer Community: Sophilabs at JSConf Uruguay 2015

JSConf Uruguay 2014
Some time ago the Sophilabs team started to think about the possibility of carrying out the first JSConfUY in Uruguay. That idea became our aim in 2013, after noticing huge interest in the Javascript Meetups.

Djangodash 2013: checked!
The Sophilabs team participated one more time in the DjangoDash competition the last 28th and 29th September. In this edition 53 teams participated and we got the **9th place**.

The Javascript Meetups arrived in Uruguay
The organizer of the Meetup was Pablo Ricco, Sophilabs and Universidad Católica were the official sponsors of the event. As in every meetup, help from any other volunteer and sponsors is highly appreciated.

The first PyCon in Uruguay
Sophilabs is proud of being one of the sponsors of the first PyCon Event in Uruguay that took place on November 10th-11th 2012 in LATU, Montevideo. Sophilabs participated as sponsor of the Conference.

Our first DjangoDash: Try-Box
On 17th and 18th august 2012 we participated in one of the most exciting python community-organized events: the Django Dash. A truly interactive Python and Django Tutorial.
We are sophilabs
A software design and development agency that helps companies build and grow products by delivering high-quality software through agile practices and perfectionist teams.