LatestAsap: Slack command to notify about things as soon as possible
Control Django DB Performance Using django-test-query-counter
A library is introduced in this post to help maintain the database performance in Django Apps through testing. It aims to detect possible Database performance issues as soon as possible.
Checking commit messages and branch names (gilp-util)
This is part of Code quality enforcement series, we will investigate the utilities inside gilp-util for several use cases in the context of creating gulp plugins relying on git.
Don't commit that (gulp-check-grep)
In this is part of the Code quality enforcement series we’ll talk about commit hooks and how they are very handy when validating your code before committing something you might regret.
Code quality enforcement tools
This is a series of posts describing some of the tools we use to keep our code clean and enforce best practices and project-specific standards. Read on, to find out more.
Gilp: A node tool to implement pre-commit and other git hooks
Git has a lot of hooks for client and server side but the most used and known hook is pre-commit, where you can run some validations (like linters) and cancel a commit if something fails.
qurl: A django template tag to modify url's query string
In search pages is common to show filters, pagination and other useful links around the results. So for that reason we wrote the qurl template tag to append, remove, replace or alter query string parameters.
We are sophilabs
A software design and development agency that helps companies build and grow products by delivering high-quality software through agile practices and perfectionist teams.