The Advantages of a 100% Remote Job

Gimena Aguerreberry
May 6, 2021

While some people prefer the hustle and bustle of an office, others would much rather work from the comfort of their home.

Today, more employees are working remotely than ever, and it's easy to see why. There are numerous benefits of working from home that an office just can't compete with, especially when it comes to employee satisfaction. From a more balanced work schedule to personalized office space and financial savings, there's a lot to love about a job that is 100% remote.

In the market for a new job that's remote, or want to get the most of your remote job? Below, we're sharing the top nine advantages of a work-from-home job.

1. Balanced Work/Life Boundaries

The first benefit of remote work might seem a bit contradictory, but working from home actually gives workers a shot at more balanced work/life boundaries, also known as work-life balance.

An optimized work-life balance leads to increased productivity, and it provides the kinds of benefits that working at the office can't deliver.

Working at an office requires hard times that employees need to be present, but that work schedule doesn't always adhere to what's necessary for the work to get done.

Working from home gives employees more of a say in their work hours. As long as they are present during meetings and meet deadlines, there's no reason someone can't start their day an hour later or run to pick their kid up from school in the middle of the afternoon before returning to work.

The benefits of improved work-life balance aren't limited to employees either — for businesses, it can prevent the costly impact of burnout. Employee burnout can cost $125-$190 billion in healthcare costs, so anything companies can do to keep employees working at an optimal level is desirable.

2. Removed Commute Stress

Another one of the most underrated benefits of working from home is removing the commuting time. While it might be a short commute, all of that time adds up, and employees will never get back those minutes on the bus or in the car.

Remote employees can roll out of bed and walk into their home office, saving valuable time better spent sleeping, exercising, reading, or just about anything else!

3. Increased Productivity

Many employers were shocked when they realized that having a fully remote team can mean increased productivity.

An office isn't a necessary component of productivity—employees can find their own motivations and workflows from the comfort of their own home. With a more flexible work schedule, they become incentivized to become more efficient and spend less time in front of the computer.

4. Environmental Impact

One of the benefits of working a remote job is the reduced environmental impact. Think about how many fewer people would be driving their cars if they didn't have to get to and from work.

The reduced commuting time directly correlates with a reduced carbon footprint. An estimated 13-27 million more people will be working from home in the coming years, which could reduce the annual commuting miles by 7-140 billion.

5. No Geographic Limitations

Without the limits of physical location, more job opportunities become available. Workers in smaller towns or rural locations can find a job in their line of work when physical proximity is no longer a restriction.

Since a remote team can work from anywhere, it's also better for someone who has to move often, such as a military spouse. They won't have to look for a new job every time they move, because their remote job can move with them.

While there can be difficulties when working with team members in a different time zone, it's still possible to coordinate meetings and create a work schedule that suits all parties involved.

6. Financial Benefits

Working from home has considerable financial benefits. Team members who work from home won't be spending their hard-earned money on gas to make the commute. They won't have to spend $15 on that lunch salad from the cafe next to the office, and they won't feel tempted to make any other expensive stops on the drive.

Many remote workers don't even realize all the money they're likely saving from working and eating from home during the workweek, but remote employees (even just part-time) can save $4,000 each year. This savings comes from the activities listed above and items like work clothes, car maintenance, and insurance, home office tax breaks, and more.

Companies can see cost savings, too. Businesses can save on the overhead costs of leasing office space, hiring cleaning services, paying for employee meals, and shouldering the tax burdens of in-office work.

7. Inclusive Hiring

A beautiful thing about remote work is that it lends itself well to more inclusive hiring practices. For example, someone with a disability could have trouble commuting to and from an office every day.

Remote work means that the same person won't have to worry about how a disability may impact hiring decisions or working conditions. Remote workers can also come from more diverse backgrounds since the hiring pool isn't limited to those who are in immediate proximity.

8. Personalized Office Space

Personalized office space is another underrated benefit of remote work. You can essentially work from anywhere—a coffee shop, your living room couch, your home office, or even your bed!

You get to find the space where you feel most inspired and productive and spend your time there.

9. Healthier Team

Joining a team of remote employees also means you're joining a healthier team as a whole. Working from home provides more time to invest in hobbies and interests, and it can lower stress and provide more opportunities to eat well.

In essence, the freedom and independence of a remote job give employees the space they need to make healthier choices in all aspects of life.

Working Remote—Is Right It For You?

We are slowly moving toward a more remote workforce every day.

While working from an office with a team has its upsides, there are more downsides that can hinder productivity. Working from home presents a unique solution: keep working as a team, just from the comfort of your own homes. Some workers or employees may still hesitate, but the many benefits of working from home make themselves apparent pretty quickly.

There's a lot to love about remote work, from a better work/life balance to more savings and a lower carbon footprint. Will you join the ranks of the remote workforce, or are you trying to stick it out at the office for the long haul? The choice is yours.

"The Advantages of a 100% Remote Job" by Gimena Aguerreberry is licensed under CC BY SA. Source code examples are licensed under MIT.

Photo by Corinne Kutz.

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