Staying Active in the Community: Sophilabs at JSConf Uruguay 2016

Adriana Campoy
April 22, 2016

After the success of JSConf Uruguay 2015, we were excited about co-organizing another event for JavaScript developers. In line with other JSConf events held throughout the world, sophilabs collaborated with other local organizers to put together a high-quality conference. JSConf Uruguay 2016 was a sold-out event, drawing developers from diverse places in Latin America and the world to come talk about all things JavaScript.

Future innovator at JSConfUY 2016: an 11-year-old attendee builds an app at the Electron.js workshop
Future innovator at JSConfUY 2016: an 11-year-old attendee builds an app at the Electron.js workshop

Conference Highlights

JSConf Uruguay 2016 boasted a fantastic range of speakers from Uruguay, Argentina, the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and South Africa. The keynote speakers were particularly memorable: ZEIT CEO and founder Guillermo Rauch explored "Programming the JavaScript Future"; SystemJS and jspm creator Guy Bedford discussed "Design Decisions and jspm"; and Rod Vagg, Chief Node Officer at NodeSource and chair of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee (TSC), gave a talk on "How the Node Project Works."

Other great talks included Soledad Penadés' "Real Time Front-End Alchemy," which got into the nuts and bolts of MediaCapture API, and "Let's Talk About MIDI" by Ruth John, which explained the ins and outs of Web MIDI API. A lot of intensive learning took place over those two days as well, with workshops covering React Native, Angular 2.0, Ember 2.0, Electron.js, and performance testing and optimization.

We left JSConf Uruguay 2016 feeling inspired by the exciting things happening in the field and energized by the new connections we made within the JavaScript community. It was terrific to see so many developers learning new things and sharing knowledge in the true spirit of open collaboration. We're proud to have been a part of making this event happen.

"Staying Active in the Community: Sophilabs at JSConf Uruguay 2016" by Adriana Campoy is licensed under CC BY SA. Source code examples are licensed under MIT.

Photo by sophilabs.

Categorized under community.

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