Gulp and commit hooks (gilp)

Rodrigo Lopez
August 28, 2017

This is part of Code quality enforcement series.

When creating a validation pipeline for your staged files, you don't have too many choices and usually end up with a huge bash script with countless functions for every linter, rule, or standard you want to automate.

This post presents gilp, a gulp plugin which takes care of installing pre-commit, pre-push, and commit-msg hooks and running gulp tasks.

Validation pipeline

As gulp provides gulp.src, gilp provides gilp.srcFromStaged, a similar function that filters out unstaged files and returns a stream of vinyl File objects. Gilp also provides gilp.srcFromCommit which takes a revision hash.

This example includes gulp-eslint for javascript validation.

gilp.hook('pre-commit', ['check-eslint'], () =>

gilp.hook behaves similarly to gulp.task, but it gets registered to ./git/hooks and wraps the original gulp.task.

Now let's take a look at a minimal working example.


We usually first separate our checks in different functions.

const filter = require('gulp-filter');
const combiner = require('stream-combiner2').obj;
const print = require('gulp-print');
const flake8 = require('gulp-flake8');
const gulpIsort = require('gulp-isort');
const checkGrep = require('gulp-check-grep');

function py() {
  const src = filter([
  ], {restore: true});
  return combiner(
    checkGrep(/print\+$/gm, {pass: (line, n, f) => line.endswith('# noqa')}),

This uses stream-combiner2 to make our py function behave like a single-stream pipeline and gulp-filter to get only python files.

const filter = require('gulp-filter');
const combiner = require('stream-combiner2').obj;
const print = require('gulp-print');
const lintFilepath = require('gulp-lint-filepath');

function html() {
  const src = filter(['**/*.html'], {restore: true});
  return combiner(
    lintFilepath({'file-name': [/(^|\/)[a-z0-9_]+\.html$/]}),

This is more or less the same using a gulp file name validator for html files.

const gilp = require('gilp');

gilp.hook('pre-commit', () =>

And here's the gilp hook defined, running gulp gilp-install will put those tasks into the pre-commit hooks file.

"Gulp and commit hooks (gilp)" by Rodrigo Lopez is licensed under CC BY SA. Source code examples are licensed under MIT.

Photo by Tommy Lisbin on Unsplash.

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