Hire C# developers
in Latin America
within 1 business day

  • Pre-vetted engineers

  • US timezone

  • 2 weeks free trial

  • Dedicated developers

How it Works

Our developers incorporate seamlessly into your team, working side by side.

Within 24 hours, receive a list of pre-vetted C# developers.

Oxford Economics
Oxford Economics

Within 24 hours, receive a list of pre-vetted C# developers.

Engineering DNA Our Secret Sauce

We started by delivering finalized software solutions to our customers. This experience has allowed us to successfully transition to IT Staff Augmentation knowing exactly what to look for to find the very best engineers in Latin America.

Pablo Ricco

Co-CEO - Co-founder

Martin Prunell

Co-CEO - Co-founder

Sebastián Sassi

CFO - Co-founder

Federico Roda

COO - Co-founder

A Selection Process with 100% EfectivenessWe have developed an agile and effective screening process that helps us to identify the best-qualified C# developers from the hundreds of applications we process each week.

The Selection Process is Designed to Identify Candidates Who:

  • Are 100% bilingual.

  • Have relevant experience.

  • Scored in the 90th-percentile on technical assessments.

  • Have excellent communications skills.

  • Are passionate about delivering high-quality, client-focused services.

  • Are located in Latin America, facilitating collaboration with teams in the U.S. during normal working hours.

Technical Skills

Developers are tested with Sophilabs Smart Test™ to pinpoint their proficiency in C# skills with extreme accuracy.

English Fluency

Native speakers gauge developers' level of spoken and written English.

Expert Interview

A team of expert in-house engineers conducts interviews to assess C# developers' skills, check their experience on past projects, and see how they solve problems in real time.

Communication Skills

We ask social and behavioral questions to evaluate whether a developer will be a good fit for your team.

Within 24 hours, receive a list of pre-vetted C# developers.

Add value right away.

Free Trial Period

We have implemented a risk-free trial so that you can look closely at our react developers’ work.

Convenient Time Zone

We are located in Latin America, so you can collaborate with your team during normal working hours.

Top 3% Talent

Our selection process secures you the top 3% of C# developers in Latin America to boost your project.

Dedicated Developers

Developers work exclusively on your project, integrating themselves seamlessly with your team.

Communication Skills

Our developers have excellent English communication skills, ensuring a smooth workflow.

Flexible & Efficient Scaling

No volume requirements. No exit fees. Start as large or small as you like, and adjust your team as you go.

We will contact you to start your free trial by the end of the next business day.